IESL - Project Excellence

  IESL - Project Excellence

 Attached picture is an excerpt from the IESL Finance and Procurement Committee report for the February 2013. With The Council approval IESL has initiated "Project Excellence" to improve internal operations / productivity, deliver a better member experience, and use Internet to reach out to the society.

This is a mission critical project that will set the "platform"  to effectively communicate with our membership, have better financial control / visibility, and make IESL and its members' relevance felt in the society. Apart from the use of enabling software technology, current business processes will be re-engineered as needed. This project sponsor is the current President, Eng. Tilak De Silva. The project to be completed by end April 2013. 

Work has begun in the second week of February, 2013. The IESL staff is fully committed and motivated to make this happen with the support of consultants. They are working overtime to make it happen.

The biggest challenge is to ensure that we gather up to date member data from "current" members. To achieve this, the Staff is using existing sources of data but to have 100% good data, we have requested members  to provide current data online at

It is also important to be a "current" member by ensuring that at least upto 2012 membership dues have been fully paid. If not, as per the By-law 37, IESL will not move the member to the new data base as he / she is considered to be a none member. Ref: (,%202011.pdf)

Members who provide their current data online as mentioned above or who have already done that can login to the secure Online Payment gateway ( pay membership fees using a credit card.

IESL seek your full support during this transition.

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